Life In Retrospect 2 - Paper Phenomenon

This is a beautiful album that I made for our wedding photos.  The album did take me quite a bit of time to make but mostly it was because of the size of the album and I had to coordinate a LOT of papers!  Then deciding the photos was very important as I had to figure out what photos I was going to put in the collage on the cover before I could even begin.

I certainly could not photograph each page as there are many, many fold out and tags and just a lot of interesting things to interact with!  I hope this will inspire you to take on a larger project for your favorite photos soon!

On a side note my husband and I eloped to Colonial Williamsburg and got married at a wonderful bed and breakfast called the Williamsburg Inn.  It was such a special time and we both enjoyed the ceremony and photo shoot.  That was very important to us.  We wanted it to be traditional and fun and stress free. 


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